Things to Do
Snorkelling up close with the locals!
Sea Life
To appreciate everything that Scilly has to offer, you must take to the water – whether that means swimming, snorkelling, diving or merely rock-pooling. The islands’ cool, clean waters make for an immensely rich marine environment, one that takes in both the rough seas of Hell Bay and the overarching calm of many sandy beaches.
Boat trips and sea safaris offer a real insight into this watery world, giving you the chance to see seals and seabirds up close; you might even be lucky enough to glimpse porpoises, basking sharks and dolphins, too, or an exotic visitor such as a sunfish or a turtle. Find out more at www.scillyboating.co.uk and www.crusaderboating.co.uk.
Dip your head beneath the surface and you will be part of another world altogether, from kelp forests and sea grass meadows to jewel anemones and rare sponges. Dive boats can take you to reefs and wrecks to witness the extraordinary array of marine life they support. Meanwhile, snorkelling trips allow young and old alike to see crabs and starfish just metres from the shore whilst special trips also allow you to have a close encounter with seals. More details at www.scillydiving.com.